Sunday, September 23, 2012

Friday, September 21, 2012

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We are always looking for new and innovative ways of hearing from the people that matter to our clients, whoever they are.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Must see

Dear Friends and visitors I have find a site where we can earn points for taking surveys and then these points can be redeemed for cash and gift card prizes. It is not a get rich site. You must have a look at it and if you find it a scam then I will surely remove it from my blog.

Click for Details

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Love at First sight poems

You froze me in place the first time I saw you,
My feelings are deep and my soul full of many passions.
Why do I feel so strangely after one glance? All those stories about love at first sight. Maybe my mom was right.
Your smile was warm and reached from ear to ear.
Your laugh is contagious and warms every corner of my soul.
Why do I feel so connected after one glance?
I try and shake it but you already have a hold on my heart.
Your voice as resonant as a bass guitar and is felt throughout my heart.
It is magical and soothing transporting me to a place I have never been.
I try to hear the thoughts of my head but my heart whispers back, it is ok to love.
Your walk both sturdy and fast, it reflects your strength.
The vibrations of your surrounding energy engulf me.
I can see and feel the essence of who you are.
I want more but I am afraid, I know everything will be alright because I already love you.
Time has passed and we have had so many adventures.
What happened to us? We say we are in different places in our lives.
We try and move on but we can not. We are connected.
I hear it in your resonant voice and the way you touch me.
You are my true soul mate.
The first time I saw you I knew it was true.
But yet we are still in limbo, afraid of what we feel,
to stubborn to know what we really have.
Everything you are has already changed the way I feel about my life.
I want to let go of myself once again, I want to feel and know you again,
I want you back because I am lost in a place where I feel nothing without you.
My dreams of you and I are all I have left.
I love you

by Alan Mercer

When I Walked In The Room,
I Saw Your Face.
When You Smiled At Me,
I Knew You Were The One.
When You Looked At Me With Your Beautiful Brown Eyes,
I Knew You Were Feeling Me.
When We Touched Our Lips Together,
I Knew This Wasn'T A Dream.
When I Left That Night,
I Said To Myself This Was Love At First Sight...

by Miamor

Before Our First Kiss

Love at first sight,
Is there such a thing?
At first I didn't believe,
Thinking it was a dream.

Then one day out of no where,
My dreams of love came true.
From the moment our eyes met,
My love at first sight was you.

Although I did not believe,
Love at first sight did exist.
You proved me wrong on that day,
Even before our first kiss.

By Danny Shaw

How Do You Feel

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I did not, that is until last night.
I don't know why, I simply cannot explain,
But the feeling was real, do you feel the same?

The last thing I want to do,
Is scare you away.
But I cannot deny my feelings,
That I felt yesterday.

What I want to know is, how do you feel?
Do you love me too, are these feelings for real?
Maybe it is love, or it could be lust,
Love begins with honesty, then begins the trust.

By Danny Shaw

The Fight of Love

Love is difficult to understand,
But cannot be ignored.
Like a Japanese Samurai,
Bound by his sword.

Life changing decisions,
And consequences are made,
For the fight of love,
With one swing of the blade.

I've always loved you,
Since the first time we met.
My sword is always ready,
And I will never forget.

I don't need an Army,
My sword is enough.
Always ready for battle,
Protecting and Defending our love.

By Danny Shaw

Tuesday, September 18, 2012